Lime Green Cmyk Code

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Lime Green Cmyk Code In a RGB color space hex 32cd32 also known as Lime green is composed of 19 6 red 80 4 green and 19 6 blue Whereas in a CMYK color space it is composed of 75 6 cyan

CMYK 51 0 73 40 Vivid Lime Green Lime green is more than just one shade From Arctic Lime to Vivid Lime Green you can find it in seemingly endless The hex code for lime green is 32CD32 Lime green is a color that s perfect for making a statement Use it to create eye catching visuals for your social media mainly targeting a

Lime Green Cmyk Code


Lime Green Cmyk Code


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The hexadecimal color code color number for Lime Green is 32CD32 and the RGB color code is RGB 50 205 50 In the RGB color model Lime Green has a red value of 50 a green The Lime Green Gradient Color Scheme has 6 colors which are Electric Lime CDFF03 Arctic Lime C2F70F Bitter Lemon B8EF1B Green Lizard ADE628 Yellow Green A3DE34 and Yellow Green 98D640 The

The Green Lime Monochromatic Color Scheme has 5 colors which are Lime Green 32CD32 Bitter Lime BEFF02 Pale Spring Bud EBFFB7 Vivid Lime Green AADD06 and Dark Lemon Lime 8BBE1A The RGB and The Lime Green Leaves Color Scheme has 3 colors which are French Lime 9FFE36 Bitter Lime C1FE01 and Inchworm CDFF63 The RGB and CMYK values of the colors are in the table below along with the closest RAL

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Find out the color code for lime green in hex rgb hsl cmyk and other formats Explore the color harmonies of lime green with analogous complementary split complementary and rectangle palettes The color name of hex code 32CD32 is Lime Green The RGB values are 50 205 50 which means it is composed of 16 red 67 green and 16 blue The CMYK color codes used in printers are C 76 M 0 Y 76 K 20

The hexadecimal color code color number for PANTONE 14 0452 TCX Lime Green is 9FC131 and the RGB color code is RGB 159 193 49 In the RGB color model PANTONE 14 0452 TCX Lime Green has a red value of 159 a Lime Green 32cd32 Color Codes Palettes Lime green the melody of nature s awakening brings coolness to the heart like the first breath of spring This vibrant yellow green hue


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In a RGB color space hex 32cd32 also known as Lime green is composed of 19 6 red 80 4 green and 19 6 blue Whereas in a CMYK color space it is composed of 75 6 cyan

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CMYK 51 0 73 40 Vivid Lime Green Lime green is more than just one shade From Arctic Lime to Vivid Lime Green you can find it in seemingly endless


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Lime Green Cmyk Color Code


Lime Green Cmyk Color Code


Lime Green Cmyk Color Code

Lime Green Cmyk Code - The hexadecimal color code color number for Lime Green is 32CD32 and the RGB color code is RGB 50 205 50 In the RGB color model Lime Green has a red value of 50 a green