Emerald Hex Code 50c878 color name is Emerald color 50c878 hex color red value is 80 green value is 200 and the blue value of its RGB is 120 Cylindrical coordinate representations also known as HSL of color 50c878 hue 0 39 saturation 0 52 and the lightness value of 50c878 is 0 55
The hexadecimal RGB code of Emerald color is 50C878 and the decimal is rgb 80 200 120 The red green blue components are 50 80 red C8 200 green and 78 120 blue The hex code 50C878 represents the color name Emerald a key color widely used in design and branding On this page you ll find detailed color information including not just hex codes but also RGB CMYK HSV HSL Pantone and RAL values for precise matching
Emerald Hex Code
Emerald Hex Code
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Emerald Color Hex Code Is 50C878
The color emerald with hexadecimal color code 50c878 is a shade of green cyan In the RGB color model 50c878 is composed of 31 37 red 78 43 green and 47 06 blue In the HSL color space 50c878 has a hue of 140 degrees 52 saturation and 55 lightness This color has an approximate wavelength of 537 77 nm Download The color name of hex code 50C878 is Emerald The RGB values are 80 200 120 which means it is composed of 20 red 50 green and 30 blue The CMYK color codes used in printers are C 60 M 0 Y 40 K 22
The color named Emerald is represented by the hex code 50c878 which consists of the symbol and 6 letters or numbers in the hexadecimal numeral system This page provides a detailed analysis of the hex code 50c878 In the RGB color space the hex code 50C878 is comprised of 31 4 red 78 4 green and 47 1 blue Information on the 50C878 or Emerald html color code with its RGB and HSL make up lighter and darker colors analogous colors and trinary colors
More picture related to Emerald Hex Code
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The Hex color 50C878 is a dark color and the websafe version is hex 66CC66 and the color name is emerald The color can be described as middle muted spring green A complement of this color would be C850A0 and the grayscale version is 9B9B9B A 20 lighter version of the original color is 8BFFAD and 009146 is the 20 darker color Emerald is defined by the following color codes and values to ensure consistency across various digital platforms and devices Hex Code 50C878 RGB value 31 4 red 78 4 green 47 1 blue
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https://www.color-hex.com › color
50c878 color name is Emerald color 50c878 hex color red value is 80 green value is 200 and the blue value of its RGB is 120 Cylindrical coordinate representations also known as HSL of color 50c878 hue 0 39 saturation 0 52 and the lightness value of 50c878 is 0 55

https://www.rgbcolorcode.com › color › emerald
The hexadecimal RGB code of Emerald color is 50C878 and the decimal is rgb 80 200 120 The red green blue components are 50 80 red C8 200 green and 78 120 blue

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